It's the greatest Media and Communication experience in Europe.
The NewsMuseum invokes and explains the media coverage of episodes of recent history and allows the visitors to interact with Radio and TV. It pays tribute to the journalists immortalized by their work, it presents the main protagonists of the industry, it projects the evolution of the war coverage, contextualizes the media combats that marked us, looks at the "bad news" of our time. It unravels the propaganda and the Public Relations industry.
The interactive infotainment is very modern and participative and includes a small auditorium prepared for educational visits. The experience, available in Portuguese and English, is personalized in a total of 16 hours of video and other formats.
The curators of the different thematic areas are: Adelino Gomes, Alexandre Manuel, António Sousa Duarte, Appio Sottomayor, Catarina Vasconcelos, Diogo Queiroz de Andrade, Francisco Seixas da Costa, Joaquim Letria, José Eduardo Moniz, José Rodrigues dos Santos, Manuel Falcão, Manuel Queiroz, Manuela Moura Guedes, Paula Cordeiro, Pedro Pinto and Oscar Mascarenhas.
In the authorship of content for the exhibition, also collaborate: António Alves, António Sousa Duarte, Appio Sottomayor, Frederico Duarte Carvalho, Joana Marques Reis, Joaquim Furtado, Jorge Paixão da Costa, José Pedro Castanheira, Luís Pinheiro de Almeida, Paulo Querido e Vasco Ribeiro.
There are presented testemonies of the following personalities of the world of media: Albino Oliveira, Alice Vieira, António Antunes, Artur Portela, Bárbara Pinto Coelho, Carla Baptista, Carlos Barbosa, Fernando Correia, Fernando Dacosta, Fernando Sobral, Francisco Pinto Balsemão, Gonçalo Pereira Rosa, Irene Fluser Pimentel, Jacinto Godinho, João Vaz, José C. Francisco, José Carlos Vasconcelos, José Ferreira Fernandes, José Rebelo, Leonor Pinhão, Luís Humberto Marcos, Luiz Carvalho, Luísa Barragon, Maria Antónia Fiadeiro, Maria Antónia Palla, Maria João Pinto Coelho, Mário Zambujal, Nelson Ribeiro, Nuno Gomes Santos, Rogério Santos, Vasco Hogan Teves e Vítor Serpa.
We collected dozens of hours of TV and Radio broadcasts from all over yhe world and we also present a small collection of TV, Radio and Agency memorabilia provided by RTP, LUSA and EFE.
The NewsMuseum is a private, non-profit initiative, promoted by Associação Acta Diurna, presided by Luís Paixão Martins.
Project Director: João Paixão
Board Members: Luís Paixão Martins, João Paixão e Rodrigo Moita de Deus
Educational Coordinator: Elsa Luís
Executive Director NewsMuseum Projects: Margarida Gil dos Reis